If you have a business, then chances are you use Microsoft Excel. If youre not already familiar with it, though, then read on to find about some of its most important uses in the workplace and why its so popular. Excels capabilities as a database are one of its main functions. As you can store up to 1 million rows of information, youre sure to have plenty of space to store your email contacts, customer contact details and any other information you need to keep safe.
Excel is also really good when it comes to computing equations, which is why businesses often use it to manage their budgets. You can have multiple pages in the same workbooks, so whether you are looking to manage your whole budget or to have different pages for different aspects of your work (such as special projects) then this can be accommodated. You can use the simple AutoSum feature for basic equations and more complicated equations for other uses whatever you need, youre sure to find it.
Microsoft Excel can also be used to help with business planning. This is because it allows businesses to identify current trends in their work particularly in terms of their finances that then lets them make predictions about the future of their company that are more accurate than they would otherwise be. Excel also has a feature that allows companies to identify their goals so they can easily spot their break even point on projects and work out when they will start to make a profit.
You can also manage your inventories through using the Excel database function in your workplace. For instance, a lot of companies have different products and stock that change throughout the year. As well as being a useful record when it comes to auditing the books, you can record information such as product names, dates, stock levels a like for like information on your inventory. This will then allow you to see at a glance whether you need to order any more stock or whether you have enough available.
One last use for Excel in the workplace is to analyze the results of forms created using the software. You can create professional-looking forms with drop down menus and check boxes that limit the answers people give to questions. The answers they give can then be transferred into a spreadsheet that can easily be analyzed through the creation of tables and graphs. For instance, you could monitor responses from different groups, compare breakdowns of responses or simply monitor the response rates from your form.
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